Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: 

There are many reasons you might be looking to get into the gym. It could be that you have a big event coming up such as a wedding which you are part of, a holiday or you might just want to become healthier in yourself. No matter the reason you want to start working out, it can feel a bit daunting if you’ve never joined a gym before. There are so many different ones out there and you want to make sure you feel comfortable and ready to get your workout done. Consider the sort of workouts you want to do, whether it be running, weight lifting or classes, and find a gym that suits this. Once you’ve found the gym for you, follow these top tips to help you feel more at ease.

Learn to use the equipment correctly

The gym comes with a host of equipment and it’s important you learn how to use it correctly to stop yourself from getting injured and to get the best results. It can be worth speaking to a personal trainer at the start who can teach you how to use everything and put you on a tailored plan. If you suffer from pain, working out can help but you need to make sure you’re not putting a strain on your body. It can also help to look into a Physiotherapist service.

Find a gym buddy

Working out alone isn’t necessarily the most fun in the world, so why not recruit a friend to come along with you? Having a gym buddy means you can both motivate each other to go - particularly on those days when you just want to stay inside and do nothing. You can also spot each other on the machines and weights and help encourage each other during your workouts. You could go together once a week or a few times, no matter how many, you’re sure to notice a difference and find going to the gym a much more appealing prospect.

Switch up your diet

The food you eat has a massive impact on your body and if you’re going to the gym you don’t want to undo all your hard work by having a bad diet. Look at healthy eating plans you can implement alongside your workout and you will find you reap the benefits of your new lifestyle a lot more quickly than if you were just doing one or the other. Make sure you give yourself days off and don’t be too strict or it’s not sustainable. So pour a glass of wine at the weekend and don’t restrict what you eat too massively.

These are just a few top tips for starting the gym if you’ve not been before. The gym can feel a bit of a daunting place, particularly when you’re just starting out but you’ll soon find it’s welcoming and has a great community for you to be a part of. What are some top tips you have for getting started in the gym? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

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