LIFESTYLE: Things To Check Before You Take A Road Trip With The Kids


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If you’re planning on taking a road trip with your kids, you’re either a very brave parent or slightly mad. Putting all your children and supplies into the back of a vehicle for hours at a time is asking for trouble. 

However, if you have an adventurous spirit, then this post is for you. Car trips with kids don’t have to be stressful. With a little planning and preparation, you can make everything go smoothly. 

Pack Your Potty

As adults, we need to wait for services before we can use the bathroom. But, with kids, all you need is a quiet stretch of roadside and a potty. So don’t forget to pack it. It can prevent all manner of bathroom-related disasters. 

Prepare For Playtime

One of the biggest challenges of hitting the open road with kids is finding ways to keep them entertained on long journeys. It’s not always easy. 

Here’s an idea: pack all of the things that you need for fun in accessible areas of the boot. This way, you can grab them the moment that you find a lake, forest or somewhere to have a quick picnic. 

Also, don’t forget to put toys and video games in the backseat cubbies. 

Check Your Vehicle’s Safety Before Setting Off

If you’re taking a long trip with the kids, it can take its toll on your vehicle. It’s a good idea, therefore, to check it for safety before you set off. Remember to check the tread on the tyres - it should be more than 2mm. Also check the oil levels in the engine and make sure that there are no warning lights flashing on your dashboard. The last thing you want is a breakdown when you are hundreds of miles from home.. 

Pack Fresh Food

While eating out of tin cans is an option on the road, both you and the kids will appreciate fresh food more. Start by chopping up some fruits and veggies and put them in tubs. You can also try making your own fresh hummus - great for dipping pittas, carrots, peppers and celery.

Pack Your Antifreeze

If you’re travelling in the winter or in cold weather, be sure to pack your antifreeze. Also, if you’re likely to come up against adverse weather conditions, also pack your shovel and things like blankets for keeping everyone warm, just in case you get stranded somehow. 

Bring Food Prep Tools

Food prep tools are so easy to forget because they are always there in the kitchen, ready and waiting to go when you need them. You’ll need things like a portable washing up bowl (preferably one that folds down flat), plastic plates, bowls and cups, and a sharp knife, safely stowed away inside a travel case. 

Check The Map

Lastly, before you bid your home farewell, check the map and make sure that you fully understand the distances that you’ll be travelling. Remember, short hops on the map can turn into epic journeys lasting many hours on the road. If in doubt, ask Google how long each segment of your journey is likely to take.

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