Green is by definition a fresh and soothing colour that can not only put a smile on your face but also makes you feel a lot of centred and relaxed. However, painting your walls green is not always a favourite option. For a start, if you’re in a rental property, you probably don’t have any say about the wall colours. But even for homeowners, a green wall can clash a little too much with their interior style. Consequently, if you’re after green alternatives that don’t force you to redo your decor completely, you need to focus your attention on nature-friendly or nature-inspired solutions.

The no-maintenance solution for those with a busy lifestyle
For homeowners, the ideal home comes with a garden. However, long working hours at the office and hectic commute can dramatically reduce the time you can spend in your garden. A garden that is left unattended can rapidly turn into a potential risk for your household. Indeed, overgrown gardens can encourage pest invasion, while gardens that stay muddy throughout the year facilitate flooding. In short, if you’ve got no time to maintain your outdoors but still want some fresh green, take a look at these trade artificial grass solutions. Nothing beats a natural looking lawn that takes no effort!

The amateur gardener’s paradise
If you’re enthusiastic about gardening, you can reduce lawn maintenance to a minimum by growing flowers instead. Even if you’ve got a brown thumb or you lack time, you can choose flowers that are ideal for your lifestyle. Marigolds, for instance, grow quickly and bloom in spring, summer and fall, keeping your garden colourful almost all year long. They’re also super easy to look after! Pansies are another solution to add colours to your winter garden as they can survive mild winter temperatures. And finally, planting daffodils will give you delicate flowers in late winter. In short, if you prefer a wildlife-friendly garden without too much maintenance, these easy flowers are a must-have!

The foodie who loves a good crop
You don’t just love to watch your greens; you want to eat them too! If you’ve never grown vegetables before, it’s a good idea to start with salad greens as these are easy to harvest and can even grow in containers. Tomatoes are hugely popular, but they’ll need a greenhouse to become red and juicy. If you prefer roots, try carrots and radishes which can grow through most British soil and can sustain cold temperatures too. You’ll find your meals taste all the more delicious when they’re prepared with your homegrown harvest!

Don’t have a garden? No problem
Tenants can plant flowers and vegetables in their garden, although it’s worth checking with your landlord. However, when you live in a flat, you need to overcome practical challenges to bring your greens at home. Have you considered a flower subscription to receive beautiful bunches of flowers regularly? If you prefer plants you can grow at home, you can create an indoor garden using hanging baskets and pots.

Green is a strange colour to accommodate in your household. When you want to make the most of its mood-elevating and health-enhancing features, you need to think of green in terms of gardening and harvesting. But nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it! From artificial garden to houseplants, you can surround yourself in green!

*collaborative post

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