I haven't done any outfit posts for such a long time and I really love featuring my outfits. When I found out I was pregnant I stopped doing outfit posts because I thought people might notice my bump, I started to show pretty much straight away from about 7 weeks. Now i'm further along and everyone knows i'm hoping to feature some more outfits on my blog. I am struggling as I don't feel very confident about how I look right now but I want to embrace being pregnant and document my bump getting bigger. 

I thought i'd write a pregnancy update today as I've been meaning to write one for a few weeks. 

I found the first trimester really difficult, I struggled with tiredness really bad, I was exhausted all of the time. My sickness wasn't too bad, I found that I felt sick more than I was actually sick. I suffered with bad headaches and had sciatica for a few weeks. The sciatica started around 15 weeks and I suffered on and off for a couple of weeks. I was advised to get a pregnancy ball which I found really helped. I have started to feel more human, I'm still having the occasional headache and I am still really tired but feeling abit more normal and have a bit more energy. 

We went for our 20 weeks scan a couple of weeks ago and everything is all good, bubba is measuring all normal and we found out it's a girl! We are both super excited to be having a little girl. 

Over the last week or so i've started feeling her a lot, I noticed it a few times when I was going to sleep but i've felt it more and over the last day or so I've felt it during the day which is amazing. It's such a lovely feeling! My placenta is anterior which can stop me from feeling movement, I haven't really felt 'flutters' which is how people usually describe it, i've felt prods, like she's moving or jumping around in there. 

We both so excited and now i'm feeling more human I want to try and write some more updates and feature more outfits on my blog. I am going to start buying baby bits and pieces over the next few weeks. I've been researching baby brands and what I need to buy. If you can recommend any brands or must have products then let me know. 


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