I know!! Another outfit post! Whats going on? Honestly I was feel so rubbish about how I look and don't feel very confident about my body right now. I know i'm having baby and i'm going to get bigger and really need to get over that but I feel like i'm putting weight on everywhere, not just my tummy. I haven't been eating great but i'm planning on eating more healthier for the rest of the pregnancy. 

We had a bit of a scare on Thursday, I hadn't felt the baby move since the Wednesday morning so was worried and didn't really know what to do. I have an anterior placenta which can mean I can have reduced movements as my placenta is basically in the way. I had been feeling the baby quite alot, especially at night time but I hadn't felt her. I phoned my midwife but she's on annual leave so I phoned the hospital (which was a right palarva) and they told me to go in to get checked over. 

We arrived at the hospital and was told to go to delivery suite, when we arrived on delivery suite we were shown to a bed and the midwife went off to get the things she needed. She came back with a Doppler and used this to find her heartbeat. She didn't find it straight away and said she was picking up my placenta, and then we heard it. Her little heartbeat was strong and beating away perfectly. She said her heartbeat was normal. She wanted to check me over so they checked my blood pressure, urine and temperature to make sure i'm all okay which I was and a few hours later we were aloud to leave. 

I really want to start documenting more things like this on my blog for me to read back over in a few years when shes growing up. 

We took these photos yesterday we went to town to have a look around the shops, we were also invited to review the food the the Broadway Casino, it was really good and a full review will be up next week. 

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