I'VE JOINED SLIMMING WORLD! Saturday was my first weigh in and i've lost 4LB I'm so proud of myself for sticking to plan all week and I seriously can't believe how good it is. I thought i'd share a few things i've been doing this week and what I thought of my first week and my progress.

The main thing that sold Slimming World to me is that fact that you can eat so much, your allowed to eat whatever you want. Nothing is banned on Slimming World however you have 5-15 syns per day and things like chocolate and naughty things are going to cost you syns.

You can have one Healthy Extra A a day so this is like milk  and cheese, this makes sure your getting the right amount of Calcium each day and one Healthy Extra B so this is bread, cereal or porridge and this means your getting the fibre you need.

After this it's pretty easy, you can eat whatever you like some foods are free meaning you can eat as many as you like and some of these free foods are speed foods. You should eat alot of these as they will help you loose weight faster, you should have 1/3 of each plate full of speed foods. Finally syns, you can find out syns for things by searching the Slimming World App or your book that you get at group, if you can't find something you can usually google it and find out the answer.

I've been so full all week, i've been eating lots of salad, veg and fruit which is fab. I've been cooking new and exciting meals and Clints been eating the same as me so he's really enjoying the recipes too.
Even with work i've stuck to plan and we went for an unplanned meal out the other night and I managed to pick something that only cost me a few syns.

I've decided alongside slimming world I need to make an effort to be more fit and exercise more. I don't want to be all flabby so I'm trying to tone at the same time. I have made an effort to exercise this week. I've been going for walks and doing my fitness dvd which has really motivated me.

I had my first weigh in on Saturday and i'd lost 4LB which is amazing. I'm so happy I decided to join Slimming World and I can't wait for my next weigh in! It's really exciting and everyone at my group is lovely and my consultant is fab!

If you have any questions about Slimming World feel free to leave a comment or email me and i'll try and answer for you, but as I said this is my first week. I've made a Slimming World instagram account so if you want to follow me then here's a link  I am sharing lots of meals and fitness photos.

I'm loving it guys and i'm so glad I decided to join! Let me know if your part of Slimming World and how much weight you've lost ?

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Laura Anne said...
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