31 May 2012
Some of you may have noticed a little change to PYT. The blog has had a little make over. We have a new blog header, widget headers, and I have a new button. All this thanks to Steph, she does blog designs for really cheap prices and they are really good. I love my new layout, I think its clean and cute and just alot more professional. You can buy things separately too. All you need to do is go to Steph's blog design page and have a look at some more designs and then you go to her bigcartel shop and pay, then email her and let her know colours, specifics like what buttons to do and how big you want your text etc .
I'm really happy with my new blog design and I really appreciate how much Steph helped, she even emailed over some documents that helped upload the buttons on to my blog.
I would really recommend Steph to people and I hope if anyones been thinking about getting some help with their blog that they choose Steph because her prices are cheap but the quality is great and she's a lovely person and really happy to help you out. (if your like me and don't have a clue ;))
h&m summer!
30 May 2012
This is what I ordered from the h&m website the other day! they have 50 % off selected swimwear so the orange colour bikini is actually half that price!! I also used a £5 off code so i basically got the green bikini bottoms free and free delivery.
I really like h&m's swimwear range, they have so many patterns, colours and style of bikini. I've previously had h&m bikini's and they are just such good quality for the money. Primark bikini's are them same price as these and are half the quality. I'll post a picture when they arrive :) Don't really know what h&m online delivery is like.
REVIEW: No 7 Hot Cloth Cleanser
29 May 2012
Boots: 200ml £10
When I heard the no 7 vouchers were making a reappearance i knew i would be purchasing this. So I picked up a few bits and bobs and the lady gave me my no 7 voucher so I ran over to the counter and picked this up :). I tried it a couple of times last week without the cloth and its a lovely cleanser and washes off nicely in the shower leaving your face all fresh.
I used it properly aswell, followed the instructions :) I got in my bath put it on and put the muslim cloth on my face :) it was lush! I felt really relaxed and I could feel it working into my pores.
I then used the cloth to wipe the cream away and used cold water to wash my skin and dabbed my face with a towel to dry.
The product is quite thick but it rubs in well and you don't need to use a lot, so I can see this huge 200ml bottle lasting ages! It smells really nice, its not chemically at all but its a nice natural sensitive smell. Its suitable for all skin types and didn't irritate me at all.
This product left my skin feeling really clean and soft and I was really impressed with it. For £5 (after using your voucher) it's an absolute BARGAIN so if your sitting there with your no 7 voucher and you don't know what to buy BUY THIS!!!!!
who's that girl
top: river island leggings: gladrags shoes: ebay bag: zara
Been helping daniel finish off his space and work for his degree show. Can't believe how fast the last three years have gone! Went in to Birmingham City centre after to do a spot of shopping. Had burger king mmm! I picked up the Lilac high waisted shorts that I posted in my recent wish list and i picked up a t-shirt and some shorts for daniel, i'm getting him holiday clothes for his birthday hehe!
my summer wardrobe
27 May 2012
I love lace dresses and i've looked at this one so many times in river island, i think i'm going to pick it up next time i'm there. I saw these shorts on friday in my local Topshop whilst I was killing time before i started work, and i told myself if i made enough in tips to buy them that I would and i did, i'm so tempted to buy them right now online but i'm gonna wait and try them on first. and who doesn't love a pair of brown sandals, i have a few pairs but could maybe do with some new ones. i cannot wait for my holiday nowww :)
Sunday update #2
001. I'm sure everyone's been taking advantage of the lovely weather, I've been say in the garden most the week and been helping Daniel at university with his degree work
002. Me and Daniel have booked our holiday and it's gotta be paid for soon so I've told work I can do full time which is going to kill me ! But at least I'll have money for a new holiday wardrobe!
003. Just chilling in the garden! Got a few reviews planned for this week and some wish list posts :)
002. Me and Daniel have booked our holiday and it's gotta be paid for soon so I've told work I can do full time which is going to kill me ! But at least I'll have money for a new holiday wardrobe!
003. Just chilling in the garden! Got a few reviews planned for this week and some wish list posts :)
faux suede loafers.
£12.98 ebay
I really like these loafers that are in at the moment, my previous ones were from Tesco which you can read about here. Tesco only have like a size 3 so i've had to look else where to find some new loafers. Since the tesco ones were so good and only cost me £10 I was struggling to find any! I helped dan do some painting at university the other day and they got abit covered in paint so I decided I needed to buy some more. These ones are 'no doubt' which is a cheap shoe shop brand but I'm so impressed with the quality. As you can see above they are a faux suede material and have a plastic bit that goes all around the shoe. They have a tiny heel that I was abit worried about as I like my flat shoes FLAT but they are a nice little heel and don't make any noise. They are very true to their size so if your interested just buy your regular size. I'm so happy with them for £13!!! Thats nothing for a pair of shoes.
REVIEW: bourjois magic nail polish remover
bourjois magic nail polish remover: boots and superdrug rrp:£4.99
i looked absolutely everywhere for this so when i saw the last one in my local boots i had to buy it. its a tub full of nail polish remover which soaks into the foam so then you put your nail in the little hole and twist your finger and when you take it out the majority of your nail polish is gone!
its such a clever idea because you don't need to use any cotton pads.
i think people may think that £4.99 for nail polish remover is expensive but because your not tipping the nail polish remover your not wasting any, when you take your finger out its not wet so i would imagine it will last quite awhile.
it smells nice on your fingers, it isn't a harsh chemical smell but more like cherries and almonds which is nice.
overall i think its a great product and depending on how long it lasts i will defiantly buy it again.
REVIEW; thats well lush!
ocean salt facial scrub 120g: £6.75. 250g: £12.50.
iv'e seen this product so much in the blog world and i just had to try it. when i was talking to the guy in lush i asked about this product as iv'e heard its very harsh on the skin. he told me to use a cleanser like ultra blend; which he gave me a sample of and then to put water on my face but also mix water into the product and he was right it wasn't harsh at all. it really scrubs your skin but leaves it feeling really soft.
i love the smell of this product, the smell of lime is so distinctive and so fresh, the scrub is really nice and i love how it smells and leaves my skin feeling fresh. the scrub removes dead skin and softens and leaves skin moisturised :) i would only use this product occasionally as it would become quite harsh on your skin. you can use the scrub on your body too so its really well worth the money and its such a lovely product.
turkish delight shower smoothie 200g £15.50
turkish delight is a cocoa butter mixed with rose petals and almond oil. it smells amazing and is really nice and soft on your skin. as you can see above its a thick formula that you rub on the skin, once you have applied your shower or bath and it leaves your skin feeling so soft and smelling lovely. its full of moisture and leaves your skin feeling great, i wouldnt usually try a product like this but i really do love it and have started using it every time i shower :)
light yellow colour supplement 20g £7.95
ive seen the colour supplements a few times but i wear mineral foundation so ive never really been that interested in trying it out. i was reading the lush times and it gives you loads of different ways to use this product which is really good.
if you wanna use it as a tinted moisturiser you mix it in with your moisturiser,
if you wanna use it as a foundation you moisturise your skin and then whilst the skins wet apply.
but i found this works best as a concealer on my skin; you just apply to the problem area and blend well.
its a really nice product, it has hardly any smell. the pot is quite small but ive tried all three methods above and the pot looks untouched. i think because you use it with your moisturiser, it really moistures your skin and the product just feels really nice. its got great coverage and im really happy with it.
the shade i bought is for a lovely light yellow which is for an ivory complexion. the lush magazine has more info and your lush store will be able to match you up.
instagram #9
20 May 2012
ysl mascara, ombra nails, essie, what i bought, bullring, me,catching fire, company, charity shop finds.
sunday update #1
okay so alot of blogs do updates on a sunday; it seems kinda logical to let people know whats been going on and whatever... i dont really blog on certain days but now ive finished uni until september/october i should have abit more time on my hands to blog, read and work.
001. this week ive been helping out at university set up for the third year fine art exhibtion. ive been painting walls, sanding, painting floors, painting work, painting plinths soo alot of paint - hense the lack of outfit posts this week - old tees and jeans :)
002. me and daniel have booked our holiday so we both need to save up however ive FAILED at saving and spend loads of money this week- i bought blur tickets for daddy, daniel and me! and i put up a post of the other bits i bought- and picked up a few more lush items today (woops)
003. ive been reading the hunger games books; if you follow me on twitter @amylovesdaniel or instagram @amydtm you will know this. if you wanna know anything about them just ask, ive really enjoyed them so far, im nearly finished book 2 catching fire.
what i bought today #3
19 May 2012
lush space girl bath bomb; lush ickle baby bot bath bomb; lush ultrabland cleanser sample; lush ocean salt facial scrub; bourjois magic nail polish remover; essie nail polishes.
ive wanted to try the bourjois nail polish remover for ages but everywhere has been sold out, but i managed to find a bottle in boots and it was the last one, im really excited to try it out.
i went into lush with no intention of buying anything but then i saw the ocean salt facial scrub and i really wanted to try it after watching a video post about it. the bath bombs were just cute ones that i wanted to try. and the essie polishes are really nice polishes. ive wanted to pick some up for a while but i think they are a little pricey at £7.99 each because i have so many polishes that sometimes theres ones that dont get used but! i found these at a bargain price!! they are full size but my tkmaxx were selling them at £9.99 for 3!! they do them in sets so you cant pick the colours but these three colours are lovely and ill defo use them. im gonna try these out and then i may pick a few up in superdrug, where they are on 3 for 2 atm.
if you wanna know anything about the prices or anything else just ask, ill be reviewing all the products when i use them :)
gladrags boutique
18 May 2012
heres just a few of the bits you will find on the gladrags bigcartel website. i came across gladrags when i started attending coventry university, its a cute little boutique in coventry that sells really cute clothes. all the things they sell are the latest styles like at the moment they have so many cute pastels in. they also stock motel rocks clothes if your interested in that. i really love all the levi shorts they sell; they are all individually reworked, studded and dyed and look amazing.
they sell band t-shirts and vintage dresses too, there website is just full of things that i want to buy!
the other day i went in the coventry store and saw they were selling some leggings; they all shiny and very similar to the american apparel disco pants which retail at £70 but in gladrags for a very similar pair just £16, they are coming soon on their website but they are in store in the coventry branch so if you live nearby you may wanna snap them up.
if you wanna see anymore pictures of these leggings just ask and check out the gladrags website for all the clothes above and prices.
REVIEW: YSL singulier mascara
rrp: £23.50
this mascara is my first purchase from if you dont know what buyapower is then.. its a co-buy website so the more people that buy a product the lower the price goes, i got this at £13.50 which is saving £10 off the rrp. buyapower has loads of great brands- ive heard a few rumours about some of their products being fake but more and more people are joining them which leads me to believe the products are not fake however this is for you to determine.
i have used a YSL mascara before, not this particular one and i would say the quality is the same and i wouldnt say its a fake- its defo real.
the packaging as with all YSL make-up is beautiful, such a good quality packaging, reflective gold- it just makes your mascara look really expensive.
the product itself is really nice- it really defines every single lash with absolutely no clumps; its amazing how dramatic it makes your lashes.
im not really one for spending silly money on make up- especially on mascaras because some of my favourite mascaras are cheap £5 ones. atm im using scandale eyes by rimmel and i love it, its nothing like this mascara though its clumpy and is designed to volumise lashes, i think ill wear this mascara when i want to define each and every lash-
for £23.50 i wouldnt say this is the best mascara, but thats just my personal opinion because i would prefer the brush to apply more mascara to the lashes, it has lasted all day and my lashes still look lovely and honestly i didnt realise i had so many lashes, it is a really nice mascara but i just cannot justify £23.30 for it but saying that i payed £13.50 and i would definitely buy it again at this price.
any questions just ask, have you used this mascara and what do you think?
Zara messenger bag
9 May 2012
zara £19.99
when i saw this bag i loved it! and i thought oh its zara its probs like £50 or something redic! so when i saw it was £20 i was like oooooo i need it !! i went straight to zara and was pretty annoyed when i couldnt find it in my store :( but then i saw one! the last one in the shop high up on a shelf and i knew i had to get it other wise i would regret it and im so glad i got it! it has a big pocket and then two phone size pockets. its a nice leather style fabric and its a lovely grey colour- the rose colour bits are really nice too. i just love how this bag goes with EVERYTHING and how expensive it looks. i think its still on the website if you wanna pick it up :)
REVIEW: Topshop brighton rock
topshop brighton rock £8
collection 2000 sweet tart
brighton rock : sweet tart
ive looked at brighton rock so many times, online and in store and i love the shade but £8 for a lipstick is rather expensive as i rarely wear lipstick- lately ive been buying more lipsticks but i wouldnt spend £8 on a lipstick as im not really a lippy wearer however i had to buy this the other day as it was the only one left in the store and i told dan that if he left me in topshop i would buy something so i did!
the shade is soo nice- its got more red in than i thought but its such a nice bright pink colour. the consistency is really nice and itsreally moisturising for a lipstick, overall i was really happy with the product and dont regret buying it...until ! i decided the shade was very similar to that sweet tart collection 2000 lipstick that i reviewed last week. the colours are really similar - the sweet tart shade being slightly lighter and less moisturising however at £2.99 its such a bargain and such a good dupe if you dont fancy spending £8 on a lipstick!
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