topshop tuesday 001.

first new thing thats been added to my blog. 'topshop tuesday' im basically gonna choose a few topshop picks... from the new in section of the topshop website ect...
oo1. day one of 5 shifts at work this week002.might nip into primark tomorrow/today(tuesday)
003. ive painted abbies nails again... i attempted an aztec pattern it went sooo wrong.
004. plans for my birthday/leaving work have begun... im so excited!
thursday rant lol!
25 August 2011
another day at pizza hut star city... dealing with the huge number of customers that walked through our doors... and to greet them, me!
the day just seemed to never end, it has been so long. first of all this morning dropping a few things at my boyfriends thenn going with my sister to recieve her GCSE results...well done to everyone who recieved theirs. she did very well and passed everything.. the little genius.
im just so tired right now... i know as soon as i get into my pj's ill either not be able to sleeep or will turn off like a tight. i hoping for option two as tomorrow will be shift number 3/4 for this week. i stayed late today at work aswell so hopefully next week the dollars should be 'rollin' in.
anywayy.. im knackered. night peeps.
saving money!
24 August 2011

i went shopping with my mom and picked up this dress. it was in the sale reduced from £29 to £15 and then when i got to the till it was £7! BARGAIN! ive wanted it for ages but its one of those things i will get bored off. as im doing art at uni i dont wannna spend loads on clothes to get paint all over.
took momma to nandos today as a birthday treat and then went to watch inbetweeners with dan (boyfriend) and abbie(sister) it was reallyyy funnyy :D
so i have spent quite alot todayy but its been a nice day..roll on paydayy!
gonna save now since there is loadssss that i wanna buy..
so i have spent quite alot todayy but its been a nice day..roll on paydayy!
gonna save now since there is loadssss that i wanna buy..
v festival 2011
22 August 2011

as many of you know i went to V festival this weekend. we departed on the thursday right after results... we stayed in a travel lodge on the thursday and went to frankie and bennies.
on the friday morning we went and set up our tent ect..and wondered about the fields.
the acts were so amazing it really was such an experience... for the price of the ticket the line up was amazinggg! i got to watch ALL of RHIANNA <3<3 i watched abit of eminem but he clashed with CALVIN HARRIS and i really wanted to see him so i watched half of both... i loved so many of the performances... thankyou to soriahhh <3 for my free food lolz. i didnt take as many outfit posts as i wanted because i didnt really want to carry my camera around... i tryed to bring just essential things into the arena like tissues and hand sanitiser. the portaloo's actually are not that bad lol. this was my first time camping so it was defo an experience and ive got many more tips now for future festivals and camping trips....
* TENT- in your tent there will be you and your luggage.... me and dan got a two man tent and it was NOWAY big enough... if there is two of you buy a four man tent! Bigger is better!
*FOOD- food and drinks are so expensive.. at V, a burger = £6 bottle of coke =£2 pizza=£6 pancakes=£4.50 a pint =£4 vodka and redbull=£5.... if camping defoo bring a bbq. you can make sarnies in the morning and save money on food when your in the arena but remember the majority of the time you will be in the arena and you cannot bring your own food/drink in.
*FASHION- what you wear is sooo important. bring plenty of shorts and dresses... dresses are easy to get on and off... if it rains it would be so much easier to get a dress on rather than shorts or jeans... denim shorts are defo festival fashion... EVERYONE wears them and why not THEY ARE HOTTT! i wore my denim shorts for most the weekend... just pack a few tops some shorts and a dress or two... remember SOCKS AND WELLIES... and a waterproof jacket... we got a HUGE shower for a few hours... the grass and mud gets soaked and everything gets wet and muddy... bring your wellies so you dont ruin your favee shoes.
I LOVEDD V FESTIVAL<3 bring on 2012 :D:D:D
15 August 2011

v festival starts on fridayy !
i will be hooking up in the travel lodgee on the thursday ;) and then up goes the tent on friday! im so excited because i've actually never camped or been to a festival!!!
I really want to do that leopard print thing but i need to go and purchase the wahh nails art pen!
as you may know...
14 August 2011
(and im shitting myself) i'm also excited at the thought of there being no more waiting for that day. after i recieve my results i'll be leaving birmingham for a whole weekend and making my way to chelmsford essex! because i'm going to VFESTIVAL! ill be bringing my camera along so i can do loads of outfit posts on here.
nails: barry m 217
10 August 2011
it was an absolute bargain at £5
001; i hope everyone is safe and i feel so bad for anyone whos experienced anything in connection to the riots that are sweeping the country. on the same topic... i actually got sent home from work today and we closed early as a precaution to any rioting. (luckily no damage to pizza hut star city)
002; ive been thinking of things to introduce to my blog... ive been thinking twitter tuesdayy... i pick like a random tweet on a tuesdayy ? im thinking to link my blog and twitter more.
003; so im officially skint... and the rioting means ive lost a days pay :@ thanks!
004; omggg. more on a fashion matter ive been online window shoppping today and ill defo be doing a weekly want this weekkkkk..
feel free to introduce my blog to others... followw pleasee ;)
004; omggg. more on a fashion matter ive been online window shoppping today and ill defo be doing a weekly want this weekkkkk..
feel free to introduce my blog to others... followw pleasee ;)
oh dear hellicopters overhead :'(
stay stafeee bloggers<3
7 August 2011

there's a few things i want to try with the blog.
* weekly wants
*week in photos
today I bought a vintage levi's denim jacket from the carboot for £5, which tbh is a bargain!
The shorts above are from new look, i really wanted a pair of levi shorts and i have been looking on ebay for some but im really difficult in sizes. i have looked a the urban outfitters ones but i
think £30 is abit expensive when you can get them for half the price on ebay.
i think we have nearly got everything for v fest (13 days away)
all thats really left is to do a food and toiletries shop.
im so glad the new hugee cans of dry shampoo are out now :D
all thats really left is to do a food and toiletries shop.
im so glad the new hugee cans of dry shampoo are out now :D
LOOK's blogging comp!
4 August 2011

eeeeek... when i found out looks blogging competition was back i knew i had to be apart of it. Since following Lily Melrose' blog i knew that i wanted to create my own blog, using her blog as inspiration. My blog is new compared to many fashion blogs but i want it to be big. In september i plan to start UNI studying Fine Art or Art and Design. I think that art is an important area when it comes to fashion and it really plays a huge part into the success of fashion. The ways colours work or don't work, the textures and the way an outfit photographs... this is art.
I am an amature blogger atm... but soon when i start UNI it will become clear that i want to incorperate my love of fashion into my artwork.
I love look magazine... I buy it without fail every week (maybe i should get a subscription lol)
I love how even the cheapest items from primark look chic in this magazine... I buy so many things just because i've seen them in Look! or on lily melrose ;)
I have only ever been to Birminghams clothes show... I've never actually been to such a huge fashion event like The Look Show and I think this competition would be an amazing opportunity. I would be able to take soo many photos that i could use when i start uni, and I believe the experience would be so inspirational.
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